Learn speedpainting miniature painting techniques from one of the best teachers in the miniature painting world - Roman Lappat!

"It was a pleasure to attend to your class, I can truly say that I'm amazed at everything I learnt with a seemingly "simple" topic as is speedpainting.
I hope you the best and to see you next year!" 
- Sergio

"Really nice day today, I'm a slow painter, how I needed this masterclass! Looking forward to what the next one will bring!" 
- Rosa

"Roman, Thanks a lot for the fantastic day. I was surprised, being such a slow painter, that I could finish a miniature in just 15 minutes... while having some laughs with the rest of the wonderful attendees! - DavidIf you are thinking about going to one of Roman's seminars stop thinking and go. You will learn from somebody who loves his work and will spread his love to everyone in the room. You will breath creativity from the very start. You will learn the "how" but most importantly the "why" of things and understand that to reach C you dont have to necessarily need to go through A and B.
I learned so much in one day that is hard to believe, not only about the topic for the day, also about painting, art, the correct mindset...
I wasn't the best student back in school, so when I learn so much it can only mean the teacher is pretty damn good. And a very cool guy, too."  
- Arturo

"Javo here. I’m just wanted to thank you for your wonderful weekend masterclasses. About the course itself I can simply say that you not only helped us understand some core concepts in a fun and easy way; your seminars encouraged us to take risks, to dare doing things outside of our comfort zone so that we could learn from our own mistakes but always focused in having fun while painting. Your approach to painting, how you understand our little form of art is something I feel deeply connected to and I am thrilled i had the chance to take part of it with you and my most amazing classmates. Other than that, I have been exploring OSL a bit more and I think that after your seminar I have upped my game much more than I could’ve ever thought before. I’ll make sure to let you know about my project whenever I finish if that’s okay. Thank you so much again and hope to see you soon either here again or over there. Sincerely, Jav0"

More future Miniature Painting Workshop dates here!