Learn to speedpaint your wargaming miniatures in this masterclass workshop by Roman Lappat

I'd like to explain a little bit about this class,
but first let me say thank you in many directions. First to Peter and Matthias for organising the class in such a cool and easy way. Matthias for helping with one of the best venues concerning teaching and all the hospitality you offered. It was a blast!

Second to all my students who took the chance to be part of this one day class. Yes one day only. Eight hours only. Very unusual for my type of weekend classes I usually do. Thank you all!

If I count all my seminars I did so far, including private coaching, event seminars and weekend workshops I can tell with a teacher's pride that I've done about 150 + so far. Man, I am growing old.
I never called one of my classes "masterclass".

Never so far. Thinking about it why I didn't my conclusion is simple. I do not feel a mastery myself on my journey. Sometimes I do while painting a certain project and everything works out as my vision told me, but still I know I will always learn new and wonderful things about painting in the rest of my life.

Now I called this class concept "Speedpainting Masterclass".
Mastery in Speedpainting? Well, this topic somehow does not fit together with the meaning behind the word "masterclass". Strange, but I decided this on purpose.

The idea for this class was born, because the still running Community Project of Massive Voodoo about a big Zombie Diorama.I remember myself sitting there on a rainy day some years ago and deciding to not spent more than 15 minutes on a Zombiefigure if I need 500 of them for the diorama. Put on the timer and painted 12 on this day, finding and exploring my speedpainting technique. This day the idea was born for this class concept and it was also thaugt once before in only four hours on NOVA OPEN 2016. My students there had a blast and I had too as a teacher! Let's do this again my brain called out.

After a long time of planning and constructing and redifining my teaching plan I was able to announce this class for a Saturday in July 2017. Instead of four hours I planned it for eight hours, including about one hour for lunch break. I was amazed how fast all twentysix seats of this class were fully booked. Just bam, and gone. Thank you so much for your interested and support in what I do, ladies and gentlemen!

Speedpainting a Zombie in 15 Minutes to a good gaming level.
How is this even possible some of you might ask?