Learn to paint skin and faces on Roman Lappat's masterclass workshop for miniature painting

"My fourth workshop with Roman as a teacher was another complete success.
Although there were no tears (as anticipated by Roman) the Skintone workshop was as intensive and instructive as the beginner workshop for me. Roman described his way to realistic skin tones in astounding detail and gave every student the opportunity to unfold her or his potential. I especially loved the fact that Roman was always available for questions and short bursts of personal teaching. I am definitely looking forward to the next workshop! #Batman anyone?" 

- Stephan

Hey Jungle,
it is about time to write a review about this.
One of my new seminars - one of my students said "This is definately Tier III", compared to your other seminars for beginners and advanced painters. Tier III means it is really advanced content that I am teaching. Something that helps you, but also can make your brain explode in the beginning. 

Well, it has been a great weekend and a beautiful start for this seminar with a great group of students. 
Thank you all for your long years of trust in my teachings and your will and joy to learn from me.

We started Saturday with a lot of theory and analysis of the topic. In depth.
I was happy to see that my explanations and way of exploring the subject with my students worked well, so after a certain time we were able to start painting the newly won knowledge to a Games Workshop Miniature and some faces...

"First of all, thank you very much for the great course and the new motivation that came from it. I really enjoyed the course and the many tips also helped me in my personal development.
A quick overview:

- Painting with “underpaintings” has opened up a whole new perspective for me. I only knew this technique in connection with clothing (leather, uniform, etc.).
- The alternation between practice and theory was very balanced, despite the 10 hours on Saturday I wasn't the least bit tired (and that from an ex-computer science student).
- Exercises were well organized, only the head of the GW Miniature was a little too small for me (but that's probably because it was the first time I did the underpainting on such a small head)
- Lectures were all great, very well presented
- Material brought with us (books, I love Velázquez :-), I used to go to the Prado almost every day)"

- Sven

 "Workshops with Roman are always a great experience. This was no exception from this. Roman always manages to build a happy little painting family out of the student group, partly by his great teaching style, partly by pushing everybody out of their comfort zones. This helps a lot with understanding more advanced topics like skintone and faces. Furthermore, on the advanced workshops you tend to see familiar faces which also helps to form a bond with your fellow inmates:) As this workshop was held by Roman for the first time, he also was a bit nervous on saturday (which was obvious as he was dressed up quite a bit) but everything went very smooth and the teaching concept proved very apprcochable. There were some mindblowing moments, as always but Roman managed to pull it all together for us. Also, Roman always managed to pull people out of motivational disasters, as always. In this respect, I learned one very important thing: Trust the journey! Lots of love goes out to Roman and all other fellows who have been there!

See you next time!"

- Flo

"All in all, an absolutely successful weekend for me with nothing but beautiful moments. As I said at the weekend, I had moments of truly overwhelming happiness while I was painting. I still remember two of them very clearly: that lovely atmosphere in the group when everyone was focused while painting; and to see the bust develop in the direction I intended. It was really great!" -David