Teaching an old dog new tricks ...

he last two days I had the pleasure to teach @pink_label_studio after learning from him about the wonders of oil painting. As Jakob left choosing the topic for his private coaching in my hands I decided to throw in a large portion of atmospheric painting knowledge in his already big pool of skills and tools. I am very proud of his outcome and a fully proud and exhausted teacher. The character of @spiramirabilis_miniatures
"Mama Gnome" offered amazing teaching options. 

It is always special for me when I hear the click-moments of someone learning from me and I am glad I was able to teach an old dog new tricks.
Thanks a lot for your trust, passion and will to learn from me Jakob. Thanks for the many gifts and good times spent. Special thanks to @hansrainer.peitz for being great company and the massive help to organize all this. Arigato!

This is what Jakob said:

"Returning home from an amazing two days of private coaching with the amazing Roman Lappat. Just after my own oil course at the very same studio, I have spent a total of five days in Roman’s studio, and it will be sorely missed. I took coaching on colour harmony. Or maybe not one topic in particular, but Roman really wanted to unlock some more atmosphere in my work. It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but amazingly Roman managed it with ease. It has been incredible. There were many many tiny revelations and definitely one big one. One that I feel will alter the way I paint. In the best way. 

Thank you Roman. 🫶 - it has been an incredible five days with you."