Miniature Painting Art Coaching and Workshops


"I thought a lot about our coaching and was very happy to be able to spend a few hours painting the ogre last night. I'm trying to finish it today, let's see if I can get it done. You've managed to break something open - I no longer feel like I'm treading water, but rather see a new horizon that I'm now slowly heading towards, trying to understand everything along the way. I would like to thank you once again for the time and energy you gave me, and also for the many bits and the original. I feel like my painting is going to change now and it makes me proud to have one of your pieces in my display cabinet."

Thanks to Ruggero aka @minirug for his second visit to my studio and his second private coaching lesson. This time I was happy to help Ruggero with knowledge about color mapping with a gamut and planning a project before you start painting and a proper introduction to the basic prinicples of non metallic metal and shiny surfaces. We had more side topics like benefits of underpainting and more and overall enjoyed two really good days in beautiful company. Happy Painting to you, Ruggero!

Learn the best way about miniature painting on Roman Lappat's workshop!