Miniature Painting Workshops by Roman Lappat are the best way to learn and grow in skills

"The workshop is more than worth its money. Before even getting into his painting studio, Roman will discuss with you what YOU would like to paint and what topics YOU would like to address. He adapts to you and makes a plan for the session. As soon as you start with his very well explained theory and you do your theoretical tasks, Roman adapts to your level again and again and tries to get the most out of you in the given time. He is patient, has a lot of knowledge and wisdom and is very flexible with the projects that one pursues. He's realistic about it and knows exactly how far someone could get and how to push that person even further. It also helps that he's a very cool guy as a person too."

- Cosmin

Thank you Cosmin @the_undyeing_king for your will and trust to learn from me! It has been a blast and you made me a proud teacher!

Book your miniature painting private coaching with Roman Lappat here!