Learn miniature painting and miniatureart via Roman Lappat's workshops

"After doing some group classes with Roman, I was keen to deepen a few aspects and decided to do a 2-day private coaching. I wanted to learn more about how miniatures blend into (or contrast with) their surroundings, how to create realistic skin painting and can still manage well with his time while painting. The private coaching with Roman not only advanced me as a figure painter, but also gave me insights into the life and way of thinking of such a gifted artist. The two days were intense, super pleasant and, in retrospect, over far too quickly. Roman's flexibility was particularly good, because on the one hand he has a proven program, but on the other hand he was able to respond to my individual needs. Base not built? No problem! Questions about figure photography? Please! Throughout the workshop, despite the package selected and the packed content, there was never a feeling of time pressure. Thank you Roman!"

- Nils

Sign up for your individual private coaching with Roman Lappat!