Level up your mini painting skills with a miniature painting workshop by Roman Lappat

Private Coaching: The last week ended with two wonderful days when Florian visited me for his private Coaching with the continous main topic of exploring Frazetta and understand to paint a bit like Frank Frazetta. This was a follow up session as we had to end the first one earlier because of illness. We not also learned how to extract and plan a color gamut, but also found time to squezze in some speed painting lectures. These Zombies were painted in 15 Minutes. Thank you Florian for being such a great student.

"After we unfortunately had to end our last coaching session early, I was very happy that we could finally continue. In the end, the break had been really good. In the meantime, I was able to implement what I had learned in a big project, and we could now build on the experience. I can completely repeat my positive feedback after the last coaching!

I had two very intensive days, during which Roman pushed me again and again to, but never beyond, my limits. In addition, I became aware of how strong the positive effects on my mental well-being such a coaching also has. Two days with a teacher who encourages you in such a positive way are incredible motivating. In addition, I was completely at peace for the two days and was able to temporarily forget all the crises in the world. In fact, I have come out of every workshop so far, and now also from the coaching sessions, with extremely high, and long-lasting motivation. I am really looking forward to the next opportunities."

- Florian

Miniature painting workshop by Roman Lappat