Learn miniature speedpainting with Roman Lappat on his workshops

The last two days I was teaching Dennis in an intense two day private coaching. Dennis wanted to improve his general miniature painting blending quality, learn more knowledge about #nmm and do this all in the frame of speedpainting. I took him through advanced color theory first, explained three regarding work stages to him that connect with the wisdom of colors and how they behave, helped him to understand none metallic metall better and guides him through his process. In the end I merged all these elements down and speedpainted one of his figures in 15 to 18 Minutes to explain it all in a fast approach. First you got to understand the long way before you can merge it down the fast lane. Thank you for two beautiful days, Dennis. It has been my pleasure having you as my student again, after our first beginner workshop thirteen years ago.

Roman Lappat Miniature Painting Workshops!