Get better in miniature painting with a workshop by Roman Lappat

Last week I had the pleasure to welcome Christian for a two day private coaching. It was his second private lesson with me and again a pleasure for me to push him forward. His learning goal was about concept, idea, framing it, planning it in work stages, making the right decisions at the right moment with what is available in the personal tool- and experience box and following this plan. As a teacher it was a joy to see Christian's skill grow on this beautiful @spiramirabilis_miniatures bust.

"I had a lot of fun again, I learned a lot, found new motivation and I'm already looking forward to my next visit to Augsburg! But I have to admit, I was pretty happy that I didn't have to drive 6 hours home on Friday evening. I think we painted almost 24 hours in the two days and I was really through on Friday (albeit in a positive way)... you could easily see that from my NMM attempts on the sword... ;)"

- Christian

Christian's coaching goal was how to visualise an idea and how to make the right decisions at the right time to follow the path to exactly paint his vision. He did so with this beautiful bust by Spira Mirabilis:

Get better in miniature painting with a workshop by Roman Lappat