Miniature Painting Private Coaching with Roman Lappat

Last week I had the pleasure to welcome Carsten @carl.miniatures for a two day private coaching. Carsten painted  his second bust and learned the concepts of atmospheric painting, its useful approach and a painting flow/order that includes knowledge to paint to a vision instead of working with recipes. He made me a truely proud teacher even the bust got not finished due her size. 'Lady of  the Lake' by @karolrudyk

"I enjoyed these two days very much and learned a ton! It was so much fun that after some theory and practice everything came together in this bust. I felt like 'being in the zone' as soon as I started painting her to the particular vision. Thank you again for those amazing two days. I love your way of teaching. Keep it up and happy painting."

- Carsten

Miniature Painting Private Coaching with Roman Lappat