Learn to paint on canvas for the first time with your teacher Roman Lappat

"Thank you for everything. It was a lot of fun"

- Annette

Last week I had the pleasure to welcome Annette aka @al_farbkompositionen for a two day private coaching to my studio.

Annette wanted to learn how to paint with acrylics for the first time, how to be able to plan and understand her concepts, how to transport them to canvas, how to work from a sketch to finalising, how to create more depth, to understand how to paint light and shadow and perspective to her creations and many more first timers.

This coaching was a gift by Carsten to his mum, Annette and it was really nice to enjoy these two days with eachother. I am proud teacher as Annette learned tons, had to focus on understanding a lot of concepts and was able to put it all on canvas. Keep on happy painting!

More Miniature Painting Workshops with Roman Lappat