Get better in miniature painting with Roman Lappat's workshop

Last week I had the pleasure to welcome Andreas for a two day private coaching. Andreas learned tons about painting miniatures with focus on atmospheric painting, a painting flow to create a vision, technical improvements and about detail work. It was great to see Andreas skills and knowledge grow. 
Andreas painted Solomon Grundy from Knight Models. You can see some of his paintjobs before the coaching (Gladiator/Cowboy) and also my explanation piece (Barbarian). 
Thank you for trusting my teaching skills and the beautiful two days, Andreas.

"You actually managed to stop me from painting by numbers :-) I still like to watch YouTube from time to time, but no longer to "steal" color recipes. The painting room in the basement is almost finished and what can I say, it will do without a PC! "

- Andreas

Andreas approached me to step up his miniature painting game. Increasing his knowledge and level up.
He told me he was kind of stuck and also confused as he watched a bit too much of youtube explanationn videos. He asked me to silverline his skillset and approach. Well,
as a teacher since almost two decades I know this problem. Many of my students arrive at my place with this type of confusion. The issue I see is that a lot of people watch great content onn youtube by great content creators, but they just watch and maybe try it once or twice and then go to the next video. There is a difference between "consuming knowledge" and "learning knowledge". With Youtube I see it happen often that painters just consume and this creates confusion. Well,I took Andreas by the hand and enjoyed to see his knowledge grow. I made him learn to paint without recipes, but with a vision of atmosphere.

Here on the left you can see Andreas result of these two days. On the right you can see a miniature he painted before the coaching. I am a very proud student.

Miniature Painting Private Coaching, Masterclasses and Workshops with Roman Lappat