Become a better miniature painter and learn from the most experienced miniature painting teacher, Roman Lappat

Two weeks ago I enjoyed helping Sebastian to improve his painting skills in a two day private coaching. Sebastian discovered miniature painting again during home office and after a long, long break from it he started to paint again. Mainly for #tabletop, je started to paint his old #whf Empire Army. Sebastian wanted to learn many things during the two days: technical improvement, light and shadow placement, how to improve faces and paint skintone, how to paint fabrics and leather, how to start a Proper freehand for his army, how to paint metallics ... I decided to help him with all of it, but also explain to him how he can paint atmosphere to his models to give him a roundabout happy painting flow and plan. His progress was a joy to watch in these two days!
Thank you for coming to my studio and your will to learn from me, Sebastian!

Book your miniature painting private coaching with Roman Lappat here!