Miniature Painting Workshops by Roman Lappat - the place to level up your miniature painting skills

Philip was lucky enough to recieve a one day private coaching with me from his wife as a birthday gift. Philip so far did paint cool looking gaming miniatures with regular games workshop techniques, but he had so many questions about how to paint zenital light for the First time, how to understand texture on certain materials, how to paint skin, faces and eyes, how to paint OSL, how to get faster, how to paint TMM and NMM, how to improve his technical skillset and overall how to step forward from his point. Many questions indeed. I came up with a learning experience for him that focused on answering all his questions in one day with practical exercise for him. A difference to all the youtube videos he already watched. This time hands on. In the second photo you can see one of Philip's Marines before the coaching. I can not wait to see what you come up with next. Man, what a day! Thank you Philip for being my guest.

"Good Morning Roman, I wanted to thank you for the great day yesterday. It has been super interesting and I learned tons of new and cool things!"

- Philip

Roman Lappat Miniature Painting Workshops - a place to paint your Space Marine!