Learn to paint your miniatures like Frank Frazetta in pure fantasy style with Roman Lappat

Review: Unfortanetely we had to end the two day private coaching earlier as Florian did not feel well.  Autumn often brings a cold. Nonetheless we managed to get really far in our really interesting topic: How to read color schemes from artworks, extract them, understand them and rebuild them on a miniature while freely painting with colors. Yesterday was all about studying in depth color theory and rebuilding it with going after #frazetta. Today we managed to create a sketch on a miniature, but decided during a cup of tea to see eachother again for this topic in spring 2022. This was so much fun. Thank you, Florian and get well soon!

"A private coaching with Roman was on my wish list for a very long time. However, thanks to the many workshops with Roman, I've been pretty much where I want to be with my painting skills for a few years now: I can implement my projects the way I enjoy it and I'm very happy with the result at the end. Happy Painting! But one topic kept coming to my mind, the practical handling of color theory and color concepts that go beyond the standard complementary contrast. And at some point I also realized that I could formulate my goal very vaguely at first. After all, I want to learn this and can rely on Roman's experience. That's how it turned out to be. The learning objective was generally "colors and their effect on each other". As a theoretical introduction to this, the occupation with, or the implementation of even more unusual color harmonies beyond complementary (so also analog, triad, quadrad, tetradic ...). That was enough for me as a guideline. If I could expand my understanding (and in the application) of colors with it, then my goal was achieved.

So the coaching started long before the actual appointment. Roman asked me clever questions to understand my topic and goal. I was also given a small homework assignment. Roman wanted a selection of images in advance to get an idea of where I was having trouble with color anlyses. For the coaching he had prepared a handout with theory and practical exercises. Unfortunately, I was in poor health, so we even had to break off early. However, Roman adjusted perfectly to me, so that even the shortened appointment felt more than round for me. Although I didn't feel unmotivated before the coaching, I am more motivated now than I have been in a long time. I can hardly think of anything else but a new project where I now want to implement what I learned."

- Florian

Book your miniature painting private coaching with Roman Lappat