Improve your warhammer miniature painting with Roman Lappat on his workshops

"For a long time I thought about taking one of Romans Workshops and when
I finally decided to take one, the whole Covid pandemic crossed my plans.
So no more meetings in groups. After quite some time of lockdowns I finally
took the opportunity and went for a privat coaching.

When I visited Roman in June, I was very excited to learn how to paint
everything I could imagine and I was wondering if I would learn how I should
place my brush strokes precisely to reach those goals.

But this was not entirely the case. He answered all my questions about
regarding technique and what so ever, but that was not the focus of this
coaching. And retrospective I am pretty happy about that. If someone would
have asked me one week later what i had learned i would probably have told
them about the ideas of volumes and materials and how to handle them. All
this is entirely true and i learned a lot about these topics, but now, several
weeks after the coaching, this would not do it justice. I feel like i learned a
new approach to painting that opened my mind and helped me break out of
my painting habits I thought were necessary and mandatory.

Of course I learned Romans approach of painting minis, colorchoices and how
to establish a desired atmosphere for my projects, but the most valuable
lessons I learned from the two days with Roman are studying nature and
real world objects for painting specic things, rather than following strict
recipes and tutorials, and having a more free approach to painting, colors,
and tools/ways to achieve what I want to do."

                                                                                        - Felix

Book your miniature painting private coaching with Roman Lappat today!