Bring your miniature painting to the next level with Roman Lappat's miniature painting workshops

Spent the last two days in the studio with Elmar who visited me for his two day private Coaching session. Elmar paints miniatures since one year now and wanted to learn more about zenital light, armospheric painting, planning color choices, technical improvement and an overall personal level up in his painting. So I helped him in creating a tep day lesson from a mixture of my Beginner and Advanced class. It was beautiful to see the new knowledge melted together in your demo-nette. Thank you, Elmar!

"I really enjoyed the time with you. I have not only learned a lot from you, but have rediscovered the pure joy of carefree painting through you. Instead of always wanting to get better. So the time was a joy. 'Have fun and learn' it doesn't get any better * lol *

Thank you very much for your patience, your motivation and the great conversations. I will definitely keep you updated. And we will definitely see each other again :-) "

- Elmar

News about Roman Lappat Miniature Painting Workshops