Learn Miniature Painting basics on Roman Lappat's workshops

Some weeks ago, Botho visited me for a two day private coaching session. So far we did not meet in any of my painting seminars. Botho felt stuck in his painting approach, felt like hitting a wall. I promised to rewire his brain and help him with a different approach and vision in mind to lay out his future color plans. No recipes for single areas anymore, a happy painting flow and all explained under nature's reality: Botho was learning to plan and paint atmosphere and was stunned by the logic behind it. Some cool two days! 

"My pile of opportunities didn´t got smaller in the two days – I just painted one figure. But I rejoint #happypainting. The lightheartedness from the 1990s, when I started with the hobby."

Midway 2019 I rejoined the hobby. Watched all the videos on youtube. I quickly recognized the name „Roman Lappat“. So I planed to take part in a weekend beginner class in 2020. But Corona was quicker… Home alone I started to experiment with all these cool techniques shown on the worldwideweb. My results got better. But where did I want to go? In spring 2021 I got stuck. My excitement went off and „lockdown“ did his thing... […]

- I can’t find the words – okay I could tell my story in chronological way, but does this hit the point?

What did happen?

I was on a search.

I was insecure.

Was I blind?

… And then I make the trip to Augsburg, meeting Roman and he opens the door for me?
Roman gathered me up where I was, on the artistic site and on the site of craftsmanship. He took care of me. Old knowledge of mine was trained, remobilized or reanimated.
Roman took my wisdom and put it into a new context. Showed me new ways. Away from coloring by numbers…

        „Take XYZ no 23 for your basetone, take wash from MNP for your shadows, use 4711 from ABC to paint highlights…“

Roman just asked me the simple question „what happens with the paint?“ Thanks to the exercises I understood. I really finally understood. Was it Massive Voodoo ? Maybe. My pile of opportunities didn´t got smaller in the two days – I justpainted one figure. But I rejoint #happypainting. The lightheartedness from the 1990s, when iI started with the hobby."

- Botho

Book your miniature painting private coaching with Roman Lappat