Learn to paint your tabletop warhammer miniatures from the best teacher, Roman Lappat

Thanks to Sebastian aka @itusedtobegrey for booking a two day private coaching with me and the nice days spent together in the studio. Sebastian already has been a student of my Beginner and Advanced Seminar and came up with a very interesting topic for his individual hands on coaching:

How to tackle large models, analyse material and transport texture into painting it in a small scale, using mainly desaturated colors but still keeping things alive, stronger focus on zenital light and how to keep it all balanced with the knowledge he already has about atmosphere.

Thank you Sebastian for - again - trusting my teaching skills and your will to learn from me. Your result just speaks for itself and leaves me as a proud teacher. Thank you for the two nice days.

"This interpretation of the Fomoroid Crusher is the result of a two day private coaching with the dark knight of miniature painting @romanlappat.miniatureart
We explored texture, desaturated colours and the resulting ambient harmony of the scene.
Many thanks to Roman for joining my journey! As always time was much too short but I am convinced we will meet again soon!"

- Sebastian

Roman Lappat miniature painting workshops