Learn Miniature Painting from the best teacher in the industry, Roman Lappat

A happy student makes a teacher proud. Sebastian approcached me for his private coaching to learn alternative ways to finish a project. Alternative to painting recipes and follow a strict plan. To learn my very own free approach and way of painting. If such a question for an individual coaching comes up as a teacher you know that your student is ready. Ready to make his own decisions. Sebastian was ready for it:

1. We started from fingerpainting our atmosphere color choices sketch of light and ambience color. 2. We included all basic colors in this sketch. 3. We used different tools and techniques and decided on the way which would be best to use as I showed Sebastian where a certain decision will lead to. 4. I showed Sebastian what it means to listen to his own painter's voice and how to trust it.

Sebastian was taking my Beginner Workshop in 2013 for the first time. From there on he took part in all my seminars of my curriculum and trained the knowledge over the years: Advanced Workshop, OSL, Speedpainting, Space Marine Workshop, Material Masterclass, a private coaching, Skintone & Faces Masterclass, Basing Workshop and so on. In this Coaching we melted all together in a gold bar in how to use it all.
I am really a proud teacher. Thank you for your support over the years in my teaching and for collection my art too.

Learn Miniature Painting with Roman Lappat