Roman Lappat is shaping new miniature painting teachers since decades

The last two days I had the pleasure to sit together with Sascha aka @lord.shader to teach him hands on in a two day private coaching. Sascha aapproached me and wanted to improve his blending quality, learn more about painting skintones and to improve his non metallic metal techniques.

"Well, quite the many topics. I suggested to teach him something he will find all the answers to his questions with, framed by my lesson of 'atmosphere' painting. And Sascha did such a great job in putting this knowledge to a model. Thank you very much for two cool nice days and for being such a super student.
It was an absolute pleasure to work and learn with you ! Those last 2 days will step up my game on paining minis a lot ! If you guys out there have the chance to take some lessons with Roman , Just do it ! He’s an awesome guy!"

- Sascha aka @lord.shader

More miniature painting workshops with Roman Lappat