The best miniature painting learning experience is with Roman Lappat in a private lesson

"The experience of my coaching at Roman is difficult to put into words. But I'll give it a try.I had no idea what to expect. Well, I already knew a little bit from reading the reviews and the reports from friends who had already attended a workshop at Roman. But I've never been to a Roman workshop and only knew his work.

But then why the coaching and not another workshop? 
My first problem was that I was stuck on my trip as a Miniature Painter. On the one hand, my miniatures say well and I had a lot of experience with painting. But for me they didn't work as an overall picture. On the other hand, I did not progress in developing my own style. Since these two problems are already relatively specific. So I thought that coaching would help me the best. So ass bomb into the cold water and off to Augsburg.

To my impression of coaching, of Roman and the time in the studio:

As I said, the whole thing is difficult to put into words. But I'm doing my best;)
From the time I arrived until the time I left, I never felt like I was attending a workshop or just being there to learn. I know that sounds strange, but personally it felt more like visiting a friend to paint for two days. Which is really strange because I really learned a lot in the two days and didn't know Roman before.

Even though we spent a lot of time with color theory, atmospheric formation and material science, I never felt bored or overwhelmed by all the knowledge that the novel shared with me. The calm and relaxed way of conveying these topics and the practical work really impressed me. Getting something told is one thing. But to convey the material in such a way that it can be used immediately and that it "clicks" in the brain with every work step, that is a skill that only a few really extraordinary teachers have.

At the end of the coaching, the bust was 95% finished and I was really overwhelmed by how good it looked. Also of the effect when you looked at it. It's amazing what you can get out of a miniature if you don't fix individual areas of the miniature and paint them according to a color recipe, but look at the miniature as a whole and adapt the colors to the environment and the lighting conditions.

The coaching got me out of my blind alley and gave me a real creativity boost.
Many many thanks again to you Roman for the great time, the great discussions and the help to continue my journey as a Miniature Painter. "

- Pascal

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