Learn to paint your warhammer from the best miniature painting tutor available, Roman Lappat

Today I want to thank Christoph aka @christophk51 for two beautiful days of hands on private coaching. They were very special as I owe Christoph my gratitude in full for being a long time supporter of my art and teachings. He is a collector of my art, may it be miniatureart or illustration, a student of mine since many years and he supports me unconditionally. I am just grateful. I am most happy about our friendship over the years.

Christoph wanted to learn more about skintones and how to understand painting metallics better. This is what we did, but for me as a teacher who knows his student since some years the biggest step forward was not the subject itself, but to show Christoph what calming down and patience means. And not that it only means something, it gives you a lot. It gives you more precision, enough time for the right decisions in choosing the right methods to reach a goal and in the end it saves you time still, because you do not have to clean up or repair that much ... this has been my main teaching goal in teaching Christoph about true metallic metals and Skintone and I am proud of him.

"It was an awesome coaching. I really learned to be more deligent and focused when painting minis. Many thanks Roman"

- Christoph

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