Learn to paint your miniatures from the world's most experienced miniature painting workshop teachers

Christian approached me some weeks ago and told me about his 'situation': He defenetaly knows how to paint, how to blend, how to work on details and how to use interesting color schemes. He has been to different workshops, enjoys youtube and patreon knowledge, but somehow he feels stuck in his way of painting, planning and executing his ideas into the real world. Well, for me it was very clear what I wanted to teach him, one on one: My seminar about 'atmospheric painting' and 'how to develop a healthy workflow that suits his personality' to help him bringing his own visions into reality without copying my style in the way of monkey-sees, monkey-does-teaching. Well, this is what we did together for two days, with the frame of 'learning to plan, execute and paint atmospheric projects', main focus on 'understanding skintones. His result speaks louder than words...

"Thank you Roman for the superb one-on-one experience. It was helpful beyond belief.
Your hospitality is simply amazing, the studio is like a leisure center and a place of pure emotion and creativity. It’s opened my eyes to new ways of painting and constructing and thinking as an artist. What a great experience! You are such a warm and friendly person, teacher, friend and you conveyed your vision in a way that I could understand it and even better, use it.
The fact that you could simply tailor the coaching to fit my skill level and my needs on the spot was magical and most of the time it just felt like we were two buddies painting on a Sunday night.

You pushed me in a way I didn’t even realize and I went home with two new major insights: understanding my surroundings and a new way of seeing things.

I came to you open minded and ready to learn, not knowing what to expect. After this amazing learning journey, I was wandering around the studio during my final minutes there and I saw all the miniatures in a different way... much different than two days beforehand. Everything I saw was extremely harmonic and I finally understood the reason, thanks to your coaching.

Again, thank you Roman for opening my eyes during these wonderful two days.

Coaching for what matters!"

- Christian

Roman Lappat's Miniature Painting Workshops