Learn to paint NMM on your miniatures with Roman Lappat

"If you ask a painter about his paint-nemesis most would probably answer: Non metallic metal
Over the last years I was able to teach myself a lot of different stuff when painting miniatures.
I was even able to get some medals at Herzog von Bayern in Ingolstadt.

But I always wanted to improve further, learn something new and so on.
So I kept studying other miniature painters and how they did certain things or did try to find my own ways of painting certain things. At some point I came across NMM. To me this seems like something of a final boss like in videogames. I have always been amazed at how cool this technique could look at a miniature.

With the release of the Primarchs from Forgeworld and my total affection for Sanguinius and the Blood Angels I knew: Buddy, at some point you need to master that technique

So I prepared. I looked at minis and tried to replicate the process. Watched tutorials on how to do it.
But no matter on how much I did practise, the result was far from what I wanted to achieve.

At a certain point I knew I needed someone to help me.
I didn´t know Roman personally at the time. I only knew he was a judge at Herzog von Bayern and a buddy of mine already attended a few of Romans coachings / workshops.

So I wrote him and we quickly found 2 days where we could enjoy NMM to the fullest.
From the first minute I arrived at the massive voodoo studio I felt at home and it was a really pleasent atmosphere. We started with some theoretical stuff on how objects react to light and the grisaille technique. Roman was well prepared on how we would approach this.
After we had some lunch I applied the grisaille technique on a miniature. So I went over the mini and looked at each segment and what shape it had. Depending on that I painted lights and shadows as previously learned.

Roman would regularly look over it and give me some advice on what to improve.
By the end of the day the miniature was almost finished and I could see where we were going.
The next day was the real deal. Together we painted gold and silver nmm. For gold we used a Sotek totem from the Lizardmen which had a ridiculous amount of individual surfaces. I wanted a challenge and here it was. After that I painted a Space Marine with this technique. Time was against me and 2 days of nearly nonstop painting took its toll. I was exhausted :-DD

But I achieved some good effects and this Marine would act as a "training ground" before I start on a real miniature.

I had 2 great days with Roman. He is a great host and an even better teacher.
He thought me all the things I need so I can now practice them more and soon will be able to achieve the NMM results I

Besides that I really enjoyed our talks about our private lives, what we had achieved, what lied ahead of us and so on.

I can highly recommend him and his coaching." 
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See new dates for Roman Lappat workshops here!