Learn to paint your wargaming miniatures with the best outcome from one of the most experienced teachers on Roman Lappat workshop

Marcus' learning goals were quite precise:

   Overall Improvement of painting quality
   Technical support in color choices and application
   learn to read and paint colors your eyes see, getting away from recipe color painting
   painting Orc Skin
   painting Human Skintone
   painting metallics
   painting the color "black" 
   additional "painting orange, skin variations plus detail and leather with texture

We both enjoyed two nice days in the MV studio.
Good chats, funny moments and fine music supported the rise of Marcus' learning curve on his chosen topics. Marcus left with a big smile and more Kame-hame-Ha! Powers in #happypainting!
Can not wait for your future projects, Marcus!
Thank you for making me a proud teacher!


Learn to paint your wargaming miniatures with the best outcome from one of the most experienced teachers on Roman Lappat workshop