best Miniature Painting Workshops by Roman Lappat

Time for another private coaching review.
Told you, there are some articles to write up for the jungle :D

This time Stefan from Austria visited the MV studio for a two day private coaching with me. I know Stefan since a long time now.
As a member of the cool Pumpkin Painters from Graz, as a student on two of my beginner seminars and it was his wife's idea to set up the coaching as a Christmas gift.
Subject of our two day coaching was built around my advanced topic "atmosphere" that I teach often nowadays. But this coaching was not only about this. It went much deeper. My goal was to help Stefan being a happier painter. To understand that painting is something you can heal with. Not something that stresses you out and puts pressure on you. There is enough of this sort out there in life, when you are not sitting at the painting table. We tweaked the base that Stefan had as homework a little bit before we jumped into some theory of colors, moods, atmosphere and in depth talks about life and painting philosophy.

When we started painting I wanted to chill out Stefan and he was eager to follow my lead to start painting the base with his fingers for sketching. Sounds wrong in terms of high quality miniature painting, but it ain't. It just depends on how much time you invest after this. Just the same with brushwork, but when you start a project and can laugh and paint like a five year old our inner child gets happy :)
We approached the model under the terms of painting dramatic atmosphere to the piece. Just do not look at the basic skin color and try to understand. You have to trick the brain at this point.
When Stefan continued the picture of our ambience began to show up. While painting and speaking about happy painting philosophy our topics were really interesting. We were able to mainly work out the upper area on the model. The project is not finished yet as going through the theory that leads to this and makes the "why" accesable for my student takes time. Some painters are faster, others slower. As a teacher I was very proud of Stefan's result in the the upper body area and I hope he will finish this piece.

We ended this coaching with some winter barbecue :)
It was truely close to the best winter barbecue I ever had.

Thank you, Stefan for two really amazing and interesting days :)
As a teacher I am really proud of what we both went through and I know that painting will be understood as something that heals, not puts pressure on you.

Best Wishes to beautiful Graz!
Keep on happy painting!

best Miniature Painting Workshops by Roman Lappat