learn miniature painting on the best workshops by Roman Lappat

"At the beginning, I would like to thank my great wife for the amazing support. I am very happy to have found a woman who takes me seriously in my hobby, gives me the freedom and even gives me this cool opportunity of a private coaching. THANK YOU!!"

After my first beginner course with Roman in Herne 2016, I was hooked again for my painting passion. I never saw miniature painting as an own way of art. After applying the basic understanding of the color wheel, I wanted to learn more. I want to have the ability to tell stories with miniatures, to be thought-provoking or create feelings.

By a short coordination in advance, the theme “Atmosphere” was quickly fixed and I came to Augsburg, carrying a viking with me that I wanted to paint with Roman. Without further detailing the whole two days, I would like to summarize the contents in short bullet points:

   Lots of theory (love IT) and painting (love IT too)
   Basing improvements
   Deepening of the color theory, context of the atmosphere and effect on the colors
   Painting leather, metal and paint options for structures
   OSL, integration and impact on the atmosphere
   Pumpkins ….
   Cool and deep conversations.


I can highly recommend a private coaching with Roman, for anyone who wants to bring his hobby to the next level. For me the two days were more than successful and I will trust more in myself and my abilities in the future for more complex projects. I take the following for myself:

  • Be badass, dare to implement your idea more consistently
  • Art is always a port of yourself and your personality
  • I can only paint a complete project with the base colors
  • Photorealism is only a matter of time. 

Thank you Roman for these two days, you will always be an example and inspiration for me. "

- Manuel

learn miniature painting on the best miniature painting workshops by Roman Lappat