Improve your miniature painting skills with a workshop by Roman Lappat

As Philip is a very talented person and already has good knowledge when it comes to painting and color theory I asked him for homework without his help. Philip had to paint my famous wolf photo by mixing the colors he needs only from primaries. This is a great task to learn to visualise and analyse colors that I have implemented as a part of my teaching of the principles of atmosphere. I always love to see my students results and their joy in understanding painting much more during this task. Of course I am there to help and avoid fear :)

Well, not so with Philip. It was his homework and he came back with the painting of the wolve that you can see in the gallery.

I was really happy to be able to help Phil with small hints and pushing him further and further on this cool paintjob. As a teacher Phil made me truely proud with his result.Thank you for visiting me for private coaching and your will to learn from me, Philip!It was my pleasure and a lot of fun. I hope to see this bust finished one day. Should not need much time invested from now on. You can do it!

Keep on happy painting!


Improve your miniature painting skills with a workshop by Roman Lappat