Learn miniature painting from the best teacher Roman Lappat on his miniature painting workshops

"I decided to come to you for private coaching as I want to become a happy painter first, before I will grow to a better painter!

- "To Have A Vision" : we started looking at my mini and you asked me to tell you its story : who is this lady ? Where does she come from ? What is she doing ? Dealing with her background was the first step to build my mental vision of the mini and in the end I feel it was the most difficult moment during these two days.

- "No Lego Building" : Based on this vision you gave me advises to improve the base and create a first layer of the atmosphere.

- "Unconstructing / Reconstructing colours" : Next steps were dedicated to colour theory and painting atmosphere followed by "painting exercises" : mixing primary colours and white and black to copy my skin tone and colors from GW and Vallejo paints. This was educational and a lot of fun ! Once back home I bought primary colors and I'm now playing with them

- "Pushing me in the right direction": your quotes are unforgettable "Wax on, wax off", "Use a bigger brush / palette", "Do not listen to the Sith out there", "Disturbed is the OST for Space Marines", ...

In the end, it was a really nice moment that really changed my mindset about painting (and maybe a little more).

 - Nicolas

Learn miniature painting from the best teacher Roman Lappat on his miniature painting workshops