Learn from one of the most experienced teachers in miniature painting

"Even though I had only met Roman once before he really made me feel as I was meeting an old friend and I instantly felt at home in the studio. Roman was simply great at guiding and observing what I did and with short explanations and tips push me beyond the limits of what I thought was possible to do. Never would I have thought it would be possible to learn so much in such a short amount of time. It was finally time to begin putting paint on the base and miniature. We started by applying an environment color to the base and miniature and then using that as a basis/addition for everything painted on after – this is something I cannot recommend enough as it brings the miniature together in the end.

While Roman already has pushed my understanding and approach to painting it after this phase he truly showed how great a teacher he is and how great his philosophy for painting is. He had observed that I was a nervous and worried about doing something wrong and messing up the project – a trait that has been “blocking” my creativity on all previous projects. We talked about it and he asked if I was willing to be pushed even further and out of my comfort zone and I agreed (if to be guided and pushed by Roman then why would I even be there). Roman wanted to push me out of my comfort zone by having me paint the base with my fingers!!!?

I learned a lot and have had a bunch of fun painting since then - learning more every day!" 

- Mads

Learn from Roman Lappat's Miniature Painting Workshops