Learn from the best miniature painting coach, Roman Lappat in your personal workshop

This time Johannes from Austria booked a two day private coaching with me to tackle and improve his understanding of painting and sharpen his painting skill. Well, he did not book it actually. It was a birthday gift from friends. Great friends, eh?

Allright, back to a really friendly person: Johannes.

I did not meet Johannes before the coaching. Not on one of my beginner classes or else and therefor I really was excited about the topics we decided to talk and paint us through via the two days of the coaching:

   basic knowledge of atmosphere
   from tabletop to display painting techniques
   learning to understand and paint skintones, fabrics, leather
   learning to understand and paint true metallic metal

A though call on topics for someone who does not know me teaching and comes right from the tabletop army painting to the MV studio, but I was able to make Johannes happy from his look on the following photo:
As Joahnnes already mentioned to me during the coaching that he does not feel so comfortable with writing up a personal review in english language we both just decided that this is fully my turn.
Johannes arrived with a cool sculpt by Latorre and after a big theory bomb we decided to start working on it ... Lathiem Oakleaf. During the progress we aimed on reaching our goals in the upper topics. Not many photos were made from my side as I was pretty busy with teaching and helping Johannes all around.
Lathiem Oakleaf after our two day coaching. No not really, final photos are missing, as we did the true metallics in the end. Gna!

I mean why we did not make anymore photos during painting? Well I'd say because we had so good talks about music, life and painting experiences. Thank you for two nice days, Johannes and thanks for being my student.

Learn from the best miniature painting coach, Roman Lappat in your personal workshop