Best way to learn miniature painting is with Roman Lappat on his miniature painting workshops!

"I went to the private lesson, with 2 things in mind. Seeing again Roman, as it's always a real chance to discuss everything, life, experience, and of course painting spirit!! The second one was about the choice I made to start for the first time a big bust, and wanted to learn from him how he can give, always, a so unique atmosphere. Full of doubt, when it comes to unleash myself to play with primiry colors, and place the first colors on the bust. But the confidence Roman has on this, gives you constantly the energy to go on. I was really surprised of myself doing it, but hour after hour, something happens ! It was really cool as it has increased my confidence on painting.  pParticularly on bust and confirm that I spend always nice moments with Roman. I hope I will see you soon !!!"

I think this experience will help me in future:

- better understanding of colors and ambiance
- training myself using a bit less pre made pot, but more primary colors
- painting bust, as this was my second bust. And first one at this scale!!

Thanks again Roman, this was awesome, and I can only push all of you to try this coaching !!"

- Francois

Best way to learn miniature painting is with Roman Lappat on his miniature painting workshops!