Miniature Painting Workshop massive learning curve with Roman Lappat

"I was able to take the time today to write to you and thank you again for the two wonderful days. I gained so much from the coaching and my head is full of new ideas and projects in which I would like to apply what I have learned. But What's almost more important than the techniques you taught me is a Jedi view of miniature painting. I'm going to finish the two jobs I have and then just focus on personal projects with time, love and effort that these projects deserve.

While on vacation, I started writing down my ideas and sketches with a sketchbook and experimenting with compositions on paper. Thanks for that. Please maintain your open and inspiring nature during your coaching sessions. You have an invaluable feeling for your students and I think that's what makes you such a good teacher. Now enjoy the hike with your father and let me know if you find the Legion. In conclusion, I won't call you "master" but perhaps it's better to call me your padawan. We'll definitely see you again next year at one of your workshops." 

- Daniel

Miniature Painting Workshop massive learning curve with Roman Lappat