Learn miniature painting with Roman Lappat in your private coaching

"My expectations for the private coaching were to get better generally. I wanted to learn, how I can better plan the whole painting process and how the miniature should look like, to create a certain atmosphere and not just copies of already existing characters. I always missed this “BAM” effect. From my point of view something was always missing, but I never knew what.

You can read the precise objectives for the personal class above. These goals I have developed together with Roman before the workshop started.

1st day 
After the arrival, a friendly welcome from Roman and a short small talk, I prepared my painting place (light, colors, airbrush, etc.). Then Roman looked at my miniatures to understand how far I was and where I have weaknesses. We talked about atmosphere and other topics, and Roman taught me what I have to pay attention to.

After the detailed discussion I had to mix different colors from the basic ones to understand color theory, which helped me a lot. After that, we applied the local color and then we started already with the skin. I sprayed the skin color with the Airbrush. After further work on the skin with the brush, where I learned so many details, we continued with the leather and fabric parts. We worked out the structure of a those materials. The time flew and around 11pm we completed a successful painting day.

Impressions from day 1. 
Roman painted "Waldemar, the Gaul Chieftain" and Waldemar painted the Roman soldier who angered the Chieftain by retrieving back the eagle (our Fantasy stories went wild on these two).

2nd day
On the 2nd day we started at 10am. Roman was very kindly and painted my base in black already when I arrived. We continued to work on the skin, put some highlights on the leather and worked out some more details. Then we started with the painting of the metal. After some explanations from Roman, I painted the chest protector and the helmet of the legionary. We have worked on the metal structure, light, and shadows. Then we set a few highlights here and there on the different materials. Finally, we sprayed a thin glaze with the airbrush on the miniature.

After painting, we discussed some open questions that I had. Roman showed me how to take good pictures and we brought the painting workshop to a close.

Impressions on day 2. Mainly detail work and athmospheric tweaking here and there.
Roman even planned to do a step by step guide on how to freehand such large shield, but he failed in taking photos :D

Summarized I can say that my expectations were exceeded and the private coaching has brought a lot to me, because it was adapted to my personal skills and needs. I can recommend this private coaching with Roman to anybody who wants to improve his painting skills, independent from the painting level. Thanks again for the great experience and good luck!"

  • Waldemar