Miniature Painting and Object Source Light: best explained on this workshop!

"Oh Shit … Lightning. What has been the swords of Damocles for me over a couple of months, turned into a valuable piece of my toolbox in just one day. Roman’s style of teaching and his talent to guide his students through the process in a way they not only learn but understand the lecture was the key to master this topic. I was skeptical at first and a bit afraid of the complexity of Object Source Lighting. However Roman's demonstration as well as the approach to first practice the basics before approaching a more complex scene helped me greatly. One day later I checked if I could recall what I had learned and was very pleased with the result." - Sebastian

"The course was really great. I didn't really know how to do a proper OSL the whole time. Thanks to your workshop, a lot of things are clear to me now and I can try OSL and continue working."
- Hansi

Thank you again for the two days of workshop. The weekend was once again a perfect mix of the joy of painting and learning in a great atmosphere and I'm already looking forward to further workshops in Augsburg."

Master your OSL miniature painting on this workshop!