Learn to paint object source light for your miniature painting on this workshop masterclass!

Review: Jar's OSL Masterclass
Teaching this seminar for the first time as a one day, eight hour class I was of course nervous. Even I so far thaught plenty of students on several occasions. It is always something refreshing and exciting to have a new teaching concept on a certain topic, when it comes to Miniature Painting. I held this seminar as a test-run at last years NOVA OPEN in Washington, D.C.
and was astonished by my students's results. The class at Nova was shorter than the one I recently did as I always make new thoughts and improvements to my seminars :)

The class started with a big theory block on Object Source light.
Thank you all for the great conversations, click moments and funny situations we enjoyed. Can you imagine what you can learn in eight hours if you only focus on OSL with good explanations and a fine curriculum in theory and practical exercises? Well, if not you got to join one of the future classes of this kind. Eight hours are a long time and if you focus on something in particular you will understand it properly.

Thanks to Sebastian and all the other students of this class who supported me with their photos of the class. I did not do many as I was quite busy with, well ... teaching:
... and answering really confusing questions here and there, but well I learned as a good teacher that there is no wrong question, just wrong answers, if you do not listen carefully.