Different materials are easy to paint on your materials if you learn on Roman's Miniature Painting Workshops

Instructor: Roman Lappat
Duration: Friday night, Saturday (1,5 days)
This is an in depth two day seminar that takes you deep into understanding a wide variety of different materials, to analyze them and extract their properties into your painting work. Most important in this class are the questions: "Why?" and "How?". My Material Masterclass will help you step forward big time in your knowledge about observing and painting what you see.

Main topics:
- Learn to read material properties
- Learn the grisalle painting technique for applying texture
- Learn to tint it properly by using glazes
- Learn how to put too much time in such details
- Focus on: leather, fabrics, metals, fur, hair

Student level: Advanced For this class you should be prepared with an advanced skill level. You should know about zenital light, basic color theory, contrast range and how to create a blending.

I want to thank everyone for joining up in the studio. 
A small group, but this only benefits the students ... well known faces and it was beautiful to see your progress since the last time we've met! 
Thanks for joining from near and far :)

More Miniature Painting Workshops!