Miniature Painting Masterclass Workshop to paint different materials on your figures

"After attending workshops of Roman back in 2011 and 2013, it was time for another motivation boost. As the scheduling was perfect and the topic seemed to be interesting, I registered for “Jar’s Material Masterclass”. Arriving at the workshop location, it was a happy reunion of already known painting buddies. Roman and the Massive Voodoo Studio welcomed us “warmly” as the temperatures went crazy high these days.

Nevertheless, Roman straight started the workshop by taking into account that the power of concentration and brain capacity of us attendees might be limited. With the prospect of a big cold beer, he easily managed to attract our attention. As this was the first material masterclass, the announcement of the main objective of this course was quite a surprise. We are going to learn a monochrome underpainting technique – so called Grisaille – of course adapted to miniature painting. Cool, what a match - this was something which I wanted to give a try since a while – perfect! Roman explained us the technique and let us draw a variety of textures and material surfaces of real objects on a piece of paper. It was really interesting to study and understand surface structure in order to make oneself able to scale such down and copy.

The next early morning (we wanted to avoid the heat a bit) we changed to our self-brought busts. Under the observation of our teacher, we created fabrics, leathers, furs and other stuff on barely flat surfaces of the bust. It makes a figure so much more interesting. We did it again first in black’n’white and then colored it. Even though the busts are not finished yet, the results are already great. I can fully recommend this course for everybody who want to stuff his backpack with another very useful tool. The monochrome underpainting helps to fully focus on textures and light situation by neglecting colors at the beginning of a paint job. Once more, I left a workshop of Roman with happy painting feelings and a bunch of motivation. Furthermore, I was glad to meet some old friends of the painting community.

Thanks for everything! Cheers"   - Cornel

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