Learn super advanced miniature painting techniques on Roman Lappat's workshop

Ten years ago Thorsten @howlingwolvessaloon was my first private coaching student ever. Manu @t3lion_miniatures and Thorsten met for the first time at one my weekend workshop and now are sharing a wonderful friendship. It was my pleasure teaching both once again and pushing their skills forward. Thank you both for your will to learn from me!

"Last week I attended my 4th private coaching with @romanlappat.miniatureart
This time in good company with my friend and hobby fellow @t3lion_miniatures

Our topic was quite straight forward: level up! After nearly 20 years of miniature painting, several courses, self study and a whole bunch of painted miniatures, either for gaming or the cabinet, I reached a certain quality level that most people would describe as quite good. Nevertheless I somehow had the feeling to be stuck without gaining progress. It felt like the last push, the last level of contrast was missing. This is why I decided to do a private coaching once again. What shall I say? For one thing you can be sure: Roman never fails! Once again this coaching was a blast for me. After these two very intense day my mind is exhausted and has to digest all the new impressions (as always after a coaching) but I can already feel how my painting muscle has grown. I have to train some things in the near future to put all of the new impressions into my toolbox. And man, I‘m really motivated to do so. My head is full of ideas.

So, to make a long story short, thank you Roman. Thank you for your patience as a teacher with me, thank you for pushing me forward step by step and thank you for all the inspiration! Also the bust from @spiramirabilis_miniatures was a real pleasure to paint. It supported the learning process with all it subtle details."

- Thorsten


"Thank you @romanlappat.miniatureart for this amazing private coaching and for all the lessons you gave me.
This Private Coaching feels like a new world has opened or the next big step in my painting journey begins.
I now have the feeling that I am ready for the exciting and complex projects, as Roman teaches me how to combine my Knowledge in a meaningful way.
Now a new chapter begins. Thank you Roman and thank you @howlingwolvessaloon for being a faithful companion. And thank you @spiramirabilis_miniatures for you amazing art, so much character and story. "

- Manuel

Roman Lappat trains pro miniature painters on his miniature painting workshops!