Learn to paint NMM and atmosphere on your tabletop miniatures with Roman Lappat

Welcome to another Private Coaching Review from earlier this year!
I know Lea & Marius from my hometown and was happy to welcome them to some of my workshops so far. Now it was time for a private coaching. Both attented with different topics:

Lea wanted to learn more about NMM and OSL while Marius' topic was kind of repeating the Beginner Class, but with a focus on a natural and useful process to work through a project without losing motivation and plan.

I prepared myself for both topics and it was a joy to teach and learn with these two beautiful people.
Marius recieved some intense explanations on how atmosphere influances a paintjob and how you can plan it in your process, while I started Lea's NMM lesson with some training pieces after theory:

Focused learning time, while Marius prepared his project on the first day colorwise Lea went through working with her new Non Metallic Metal skill on a figure ...
On the end of the second day Marius happily pushed through his project to detail work and a process that helps him to make his own decisions. While Lea made things glow in the dark with an intense OSL training ...

It was such a joy working with such great students!
Thank you both for the two cool days and the funny talks and actions!

Thank you!

Learn to paint OSL (object source light), NMM (non metallic metal) and much more on your tabletop wargaming miniatures with Roman Lappat