Miniature Painting Workshops by Roman Lappat

After the Duke of Bavaria Margot and Kyle visited me for a two day private coaching session in the MV studio. Not has it only been a great teaching time, it also were some great days of friendship. Together - with me in the lead of the seminar - we looked in depth on the subject "How to paint atmosphere!" ... Not all during these two days was about cake.

There was stuff to learn ...
... like how to apply strong atmosphere.
First in your brain, then on the figure.

Then there was cake again.
More cake please!
After cake, it was painting time again.

For Margot it was also not only learning to paint atmosphere. She tackled her first bust in acrylics as she usually paints with oils and wanted to learn more about the way to paint nicely with acrylic paints.

The results of both my students were wonderful.
The theory part took quite the time on the first day and then there was too much cake.
On the second day we were able to bring my student's bust this far and I was a happy teacher enjoying the process of my students.

Margot's first go with Acrylic Paints.

Kyle's Hussite Warrior put into a dense forest ambience.

Thank you both for your trust in my teachings
and the great time spent together. And the cake. And the bread. And the good talks.


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