Learn Miniature Painting from one of the most experienced teachers in this field: Roman Lappat

"When we headed to Augsburg we had no clue what the next two days of painting madness would bring.
As I don’t want to spoil the experience for anybody who is willing to do this creative quest I give just some outlines:

  • The welcome was warm and friendly
  • Roman managed to force us out of our comfort zone several times and magically pulled us back into the known territory of miniature painting
  • It was far from what I expected, but definitely one of the best learning experiences I had in regard of miniature painting.
  • You can paint things by burning other stuff! Oh Yeah.
  • The beer in Augsburg was excellent.

Summarizing the whole experience I must say I would definitely do it all over again as it changed my approach to miniature painting from a quite technical point to a more creative approach, which is way more fun and rewarding. Overall: The most fun you can have with your pants on."

- Alex

"Some time ago I had the great pleasure of being able to take part in private coaching with Roman again, this time with two of my painting friends.
The fact that Roman is a great, funny and friendly guy and that his private coaching sessions are great has already gotten around enough. Since it was already my second coaching and I was completely surprised by Roman's concept last time, I just let the topic of "creative painting" come to me this time.
It started with Roman asking us to get a certain bust that I would never have bought myself and that also had a very strict theme (the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar at the stake) - so it was actually very restrictive in terms of creativity.

Nevertheless, with a few mind games, Roman managed to get us to create a completely different model. And that's what makes Roman's characters so special: he manages to breathe life and a story into a miniature like very few people can.

I'll try to explain in a practical way what has benefited me the most:
We all buy miniatures on instinct because we like them straight away or because we have a single brilliant idea. However, this "fire" sometimes goes out quite quickly once you have the figure at home and think about implementing it, and so it happens that some (cough) of these figures simply fall by the wayside for years or are either never finished or the whole thing is just no fun anymore makes etc.
Roman taught us (with masterful preparation) that the creation of a character begins long before the thought of a technical implementation and that it really pays off when you think you already have a good idea to calm down again, Let your thoughts flow, perhaps discard concepts and collect a few other ideas about the character until you are really happy with your plan.
And that, in my opinion, is the key to long-term motivation: having a very detailed and clear goal in mind and that's exactly what you achieve. Of course, not every figure will be a blatant conversion in the future, but I personally am a rather impatient painter who quickly resorts to quick but messy techniques to complete the project and that is exactly what I will avoid in the future (more ;) ) because I I want to achieve my beautiful, clearly defined goal, even if it takes longer. All in all, the coaching has helped me see miniatures and painting with even more love and enthusiasm :)"

- Paul

"Hey happy painters!
After some weeks of hard work I have time to give you some review of my private coaching with Roman Lappat. Everything starts with an idea.... Two very close painting friends and I were thinking about how to improve our art aspect of hobby "miniature painting". We had a great technical workshop with Kirill Kanaev recently in Vienna and now the next step had to be Roman @ the massive voodoo home base.

So we talked with Roman about a (how we call it now) master class in creativity.
The only things we knew befor the workshop was the date, time and the Pegaso bust we will paint. Risky business not to know what's planned, but we took our car and drove about six hours to Augsburg.
1. day, Roman welcomes us like we are very good friends, it was a pleasure to meet him in the studio. After a little welcome small talk and coffee we still don't know what come next.
We get a white board and markers to write on it. So we start thinking about the topic, What is creativity? What is it for us and in general...
Next step: take the historical concept of the bust and kick all that ideas away :D first time we are out of our comfort zone....
We make our own concept at a bust which has a historical background.
After rebuild the bust and prepare it for painting Roman: we don't use our brush the next hours. So we only have fingers and a Little sponge. Next time he kicked us hard out of our comfort zone. 
After we sketches our busts, he kicked us out again.... now we shuffle all busts and paint on another bust. We did that and tell us our ideas of the bust.
It worked perfectly and the bust start to look very .... creative ;)
After sketching the busts we are allowed to work on with our brushes and are shocked how well this concept work.
So what he did to us is, he kicked our heads out of a very classic method of painting and showed us a way of getting FREE.
Free in painting techniques, free in thinking about concepts and also have fun with difficult projects.
To short that article down, the busts look amazing and never expected that.
So Roman is a perfect teacher in workshops and also a perfect private coach.
Inspiring person... So for everyone who's able to have one of this private coachings, you get an amazing time.
Thank you to my friends to be part of this trip. "

- Marcus aka The Marcus Miniatures @the_marcusminiatures

Learn Miniature Painting from one of the most experienced teachers in this field: Roman Lappat