best worldwide miniature painting workshops

I want to thank some people before starting the report:
Vlado for the big help in the organisation of everything. Without you, a vetaran in the organisation of classes, this event would never have taken place! Haris for the great cooking and talks, you're a real pro in the kitchen, a joy for my taste buds :) Achim for the driving and nice talks. It was a real joy to be in your car, feeling safe at any time and not needing to drive myself home after a teaching on a painting class is a real relaxation. And for sure my bro Roman for, well, just everything :)

Roman and I were pretty nervous as this was the second edition of our BÄM² painting class, we already learned much at the first one and so we changed some thing for the second class.

We started the class with a round of introductions, sharing painting experiences since the beginners class, how many projects one did after the first class or if he did paint at all. We talked about expectations of the BÄM class and it was good to get known to each other again.

We continued with some color theory, continuing to choice of colors, saturation, brightness, colors schemes and other stuff intensifying some of the beginner class theory.

best worldwide miniature painting workshops