great learning on miniature painting workshops worldwide

Well, again this class has been a big family meeting. Everybody who attended was at least known to us the teachers and also the students were pretty familiar to eachother. The mood was right to paint until the night(s) (ahead) ...

Again we prepared Brekk, the bust that leads to so many weird name-combos and we had to work our way through some theory first on Friday night to increase the wisdom of colours of the students even more. Ready, Brekk, go!

We want to thank every participant deeply for taking the class. We hope to find your expectations fullfilled and we hope these clicks will follow you from now on. There are so many outthere in this world, they just want to be conquered. Pick your cherries ...

Except Kyle ... he deserves a special deep Ape bow: With his detailed and honest feedback he helped to let our fourth BAM class improve in many aspects. Thank you for your input and thank you for your output. I think the clicks you took from this class were extraordinary - so taking it two times in a row is mad but good from the learning effect :D

great learning on miniature painting workshops worldwide