best miniature painting workshops worldwide

First of all, 
a big thank you to Shifu Heiko and to his Wu Dao Kung Fu School in Hamburg, Horn. This time really felt special as the friendship to Heiko grows bigger and bigger and he offered us such great hospitality during the whole time. Often we mentioned to him that being at the halls of the Wu Dao really feels like a second home, which is a great thing. Thanks for everything Heiko, your friendship and the way you help the painting hobby evolve by providing a great place to be at for a class.

Most important gratitude goes to our students who took part in the class. They made it happen. Thank you for being a part of it and thank you for your unstoppable will to learn and walk the way of the Miniature Painter.  Thanks to everybody who took a longer trip to travel to Hamburg, for example Kyle from Turkey or Martin from the Netherlands. Thanks for the support! Sadly we missed two more participants as they told us they won't make the car trip because of illness. We missed you!

Thanks to Steffen aka for providing plinths for the class and having some cool individual pieces with him during the weekend. Check out his store if you are in need of a plinth that fits your new project perfectly.

Thanks to Michelle for being just as awesome as he is and thanks to Kyle aka M R Lee, the madman who took both weekend classes, but more about him during the review.

Well, let's be honest: The weekend was a blast.
From the early beginning when we all meet down at the bar from the Wu Dao to the very end on Sunday night. It felt like a family meeting as most of the people who took part in the class knew eachother already. So Athmosphere was definatly over 9000!!!!

From the teachers point of view: Raffa and I were still very excited to have the class up in the North. This class was the third time we held our BÄM² class so far and our goal as teachers was to take everybody from where he was standing and bring him further in his painting skills. That was the plan and Raffa and I really have been stunned by the fact that sometimes at the class, the group of students were painting quietly for hours. Total concentration mode and it was a pleasure to see everybody rise in their skills of miniature painting.

The BÄM² class is our so called "advanced class", which takes everybody who took part in Jar's beginner's class to an intense training on their skills and showing a guideline on the happy way of painting that leads to BAM. We explained in theory about the important things but did not repeat ourselves from the Beginner's class. It just went deeper. We were very happy and proud to see that all participants took their time to train at home and so these lessons were just unclear to Leo, the cat ... but he loved the laserpointer:

best miniature painting workshops worldwide