a little review from my point of view at the second beginner's painting class held in Cologne


now follows a little review from my point of view at the second beginner's painting class held in Cologne the last weekend. Still a bit knackered from those 2 workshops held during the last weekends, but sleepy time is sometimes wasted time... the Kong tries not to sleep, but sometimes he does and dreams of big fat banana trees. Whatever, we had a great weekend i have to say...

Thanks again to Robert of the Brave New World store in the center of Cologne. As Robert told me there is a chance of some more workshops in 2010 in the store as Robert has been fully happy about everything went. At this point thanks to every helping hand, even those who did not participate - your help has been highly appreciated. Biggest thanks again go out to my Cologne Lady Daniela (Lilly) who gave me a home for 10 days and some really cool days. I am really thankful and you shall know words can't describe what i mean. Maybe you could take a photo of the ape picture - i wasn't able to you know ;)

Now let me tell you about the painting class itself. Thanks to my men Andreas and Markus for letting me use their photos and thanks for everyone who allowed me to show a picture of him/her on this site. Thanks for your support. At this point also the Maxpaint-Shop.de should be mentioned, thanks for the great support on MiniNatur-Stuff.

Again, i have to say thank you a lot for taking part and making this weekend a lot of
fun, also special thanks to Daniela again for her helping hand. Hope to see you again my fellow painting comrads - may a good brush be with you!

Keep on happy painting!