"The most stunning Beginner Miniature Painting Workshop Results of all time" - NekroPainter

Last weekend I had the pleasure to welcome my students in my studio for the first Beginner Workshop in 2024.
I am really proud of their results. And tired too on this Monday! Thank you all for your support and your joy in learning from and with me.

Keep on happy painting!

Thank you Roman for the great weekend! We learned, laughed and painted! You have had a lasting positive impact on my hobby and I will remember your course and what I was able to learn from you for a long time, as it was the highlight so far!" - Maximum Miniatures

"The thanks go to you! The title of “Greatest Teacher” is sure to come to you. Everything I had previously heard about you and/or the course was fulfilled and exceeded. And even though I've "already" been in the hobby for three years, I've learned things that include the absolute basics - ... so if anyone doubts whether they need a course like this: yes, it's worth it." - Carsten

"Such a great workshop! Good agenda, inspiring teacher and lovely atmosphere. Would love to enjoy more workshops at yours!" -

"It was really a super cool weekend with like-minded people!
Thank you very much and see you next time!" -
Tintenfleck Tattoo

"It was really great. Thank you for the lovely weekend!" - Dietmar