Learn the basics of miniature painting with Roman Lappat on his workshops

Hi everyone,

it took me quite the while to bring this up as the last weeks had been busy and well, yeah more busy. I want to write about a great trip I did earlier this year to teach my first workshop ever in beautiful Switzerland. Thanks to the help of Josua Lai I was able to teach a really cool Beginner Workshop in Bern with wonderful students! Thank you for your perfect help, hospitality and organisational help, Josua!

New Miniature Painting Workshops and Seminars here!

"But also thank you very much for holding the great course. I like to think back to the course days. The memories are mixed ;) (in a very positive way, you understand, smile). It was very intense and reverberated physically for a few days :) But I was able to learn a lot, even if I probably forgot one or two tips because at some point it just became "too much" to remember everything (e.g. which ones You now use color again to desaturate this or that color...). And the more you do, the more questions arise. So it was doubly unfortunate that the course ended up being over much too quickly and I had to leave earlier. What remains, however, is that it is now easier for me to take on projects because I am not completely at a loss as to how to achieve certain results that I imagine.

I'm still at the very beginning of my painting technique, but the course definitely makes me want more and I would be happy to take one or two of your courses in the future. I applied to be included in your Facebook Student Group." - René

"It was two and a half very intensive days, you learned a lot of new things, but you certainly never felt let down, but rather well guided and supported the whole time. It is precisely for this feeling that I would like to praise the course, Roman and everyone else on the course - it was a real pleasure. I am overjoyed with the result of the course and am now happy to display my first non-play miniature in my room." - Luca